Unable to get a internet in quectel ec200U in android automotive 11 os

Hi Quectel Team,

With the support of the Quectel Team, I can able receive phone calls in my EC200U module but I can’t get internet in my imx8qxp custom board and I can’t turn on the mobile data in my Android automotive os I mean the mobile data option is not available in my internet and network settings so I can’t able to set the APN I’m using the Airtel Sim any help me to solve this problem I’m using the IRadio version 1.1 and lib-reference.so provided by quectel, I will attach the logcat error below.

9-30 10:35:02.420 D/ATC     (  490): AT< +CSQ: 26,99
09-30 10:35:02.421 D/ATC     (  490): AT< OK
09-30 10:35:03.158 D/ATC     (  490): AT> at+qcfg="modemrstlevel",0
09-30 10:35:03.180 D/ATC     (  490): AT< +CME ERROR: 3
09-30 10:35:04.181 D/ATC     (  490): AT> at+qcfg="modemrstlevel",0
09-30 10:35:04.203 D/ATC     (  490): AT< +CME ERROR: 3
09-30 10:35:05.204 D/ATC     (  490): AT> at+qcfg="modemrstlevel",0
09-30 10:35:05.226 D/ATC     (  490): AT< +CME ERROR: 3
09-30 10:35:06.227 D/ATC     (  490): AT> at+qcfg="modemrstlevel",0
09-30 10:35:06.249 D/ATC     (  490): AT< +CME ERROR: 3
09-30 10:35:07.250 D/ATC     (  490): AT> at+qcfg="modemrstlevel",0
09-30 10:35:07.272 D/ATC     (  490): AT< +CME ERROR: 3
09-30 10:35:08.273 D/ATC     (  490): AT> at+qcfg="modemrstlevel",0
09-30 10:35:08.294 D/ATC     (  490): AT< +CME ERROR: 3
09-30 10:35:09.296 D/ATC     (  490): AT> at+qcfg="modemrstlevel",0
09-30 10:35:09.318 D/ATC     (  490): AT< +CME ERROR: 3
09-30 10:35:10.319 D/ATC     (  490): AT> at+qcfg="modemrstlevel",0
09-30 10:35:10.340 D/ATC     (  490): AT< +CME ERROR: 3


Hi @subash
This AT command is not supported for use on EC200U. For network registration, please refer to the EC200U instruction manual for configuration.

Is it resolved?
Actually you do not need to care about that AT error in the RIL log.