Unable to configure TLS/MQTT on the 5G modules


I am using RMU500-EK.

I have been following the following guides:

  • Quectel_GSM_HTTPS_Application_Note_V3.2
  • Quectel_GSM_MQTT_Application_Note_V1.2
  • Quectel_EC2xEG9x_AWS_IoT_Platform_Access_Guide_V1.0_Preliminary_20200824

My problem is the guides use AT+QSSLCFG. It just returns an error even if I just prob AT+QSSLCFG=?.
Similar happens with +QMT… functions such AT+QMTCFG=?. They just return an error.

Could anyone please help.

Has anyone successfully configured and established communication using these modules, TLS and AWS?

Dear @ambinya
Which module did you use? Actually, different module has their owner application note, please don’t use GSM document with 5G module.
Actually, for 5G module, we didn’t support MQTT.


Than you for your response.

This device firmware is RM500QGLABR11A03M4G_01.001.01.001.

Thank you for the info on MQTT. it is not critical for our applications so that is fine. But I need to be able to load TLS certificates.


I received firmware update from Quectel Application Engineer and new version supports SSL/TLS.

That has solved the problem.