Timeout (CME Error 702) for HTTP commands after successful network connection

I’m using the BG95 mPCIe module with firmware BG95M3LAR02A03_01.200.01.200. SIM is on Telstra NB IoT in Australia. I can initialise the network connection without errors, but HTTPPOST or HTTPGET result in CME ERROR 702. Or sometimes DNS error, but if I avoid DNS (i.e. use IP addresses instead) then it’s always 702.

I have tried factory reset (AT&F). I’ve tried changing transpktsize, sack, tcp/retranscfg, nothing seems to make any difference.

Last week I had one module which could successfully HTTPPOST but only once immediately after connecting to the network, any post after that would get 702. That same module and firmware won’t work today.

CREG is successful, CEREG is successful, AT+QIACT? is successful. Some other status info:
+QCSQ: “NBIoT”,-55,-67,187,-10
+QCFG: “celevel”,0
+CSQ: 29,99
+QNWINFO: “NBIoT”,“50501”,“LTE BAND 28”,9502

Anyone else had any similar issues?

Can you provide your detailed AT log?

Hi @herbert.pan-Q, I’ve found out that the module I’m using is not certified with the network.

For anyone else using Telstra in Australia, the BG95-M3 is not certified (theoretically it might be possible to get it working, but I have not had success). The BG95-M5 and M6 are certified (though I think it might require special firmware). The BG96 is working for me without changing firmware (BG96MAR02A07M1G_01.102.01.102).

Please again determine if BG96 has a probability of a registration network failure, if the registration network is always successful, ERROR702 has nothing to do with authentication