The Latest Firmware for RM510Q-GL

Can I please get the lastest “mass production” firmware. I believe it is RM510QGLAAR11A04M4G_01.001.01.001.

I currently have firmware RM510QGLAAR11A03M4G_01.001.01.001 which states “only for sample”. This was on the module from delivery and has not been changed.

I am also getting an error when uploading firmware. I have tried using several versions of Qflash and get the same error. “Find Key Fail”.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a dfferent flash tool for this module?

Hi,You can refer to the following link:

Thanks for the Firmware Link. Can you please provide information regarding how to update the Fiemware. I am getting an error using Qflash V6.0.

hi You can refer to this: