Hi everyone, I just received my LG290P module and have been running some tests with it with QGNSS 2.0 as well as the SW Maps application. Here are my experiences:
Rover mode with QGNSS: No problems here. From factory default mode, it just works, and after entering my NTRIP server information, it achieved RTK Fix easily.
Base Station mode with QGNSS: Not quite sure how to set this up. It appears QGNSS can be use as a NTRIP Caster, which is what I want to do. I set the LG290P to Base station mode, as well as set the fixed ECEF location. After reset, the module outputs binary RTCM3 messages, but the NTRIP Caster setting in QGNSS doesn’t seem to have a setting for a mount point. ANd even after starting it, the port is not open. Can someone help with setting up QGNSS as a Caster base station?
Using with SW Maps: SW Maps connects fine to the LG290P, but when I enable the NTRIP server, it never gets to RTK mode. This is the same NTRIP server that works correctly in QGNSS, but for some reason, it is not working through SW Maps. SW Maps also works fine in this mode with other brand modules. Can anyone shed some light?
For what it’s worth, I am running version LG290P03AANR01A03S,2024/05/22,18:09:06
To upload Base data to Rover using QGNSS tool, you need to build a server yourself. After configuring LG290P to Base mode through QGNSS, upload Base data to the server according to the method in the figure below. Rover can obtain Base data on the server through QGNSS tool. For Caster and Server functions, please refer to the guidance document in QGNSS 2.0 tool.
SW Maps cannot enter the fixed solution when connected to LG290P. Can you provide a hardware connection diagram? SW Maps also gives the corresponding screenshots. Usually the reason for not being able to enter the fixed solution is that the NTRIP data has not been successfully injected into the LG290P module. You can check the data flow of SW Maps to see if the data transmission is normal.
Please provide your email address, and I will provide you with some LG290P information for your reference.
For SW Maps, I figured out the NTRIP issue. The LG290P supports RTCM3 MSM packets via NTRIP and it works fine in QGNSS, but apparently SW Maps doesn’t handle MSM packets properly, hence no RTK Fix. If I configure the NTRIP mount point to just send RTCM3 packets, then it works fine and it achieves RTK Fix.
For Base station - Ok, so you can use QGNSS to send RTCM3 packets to a NTRIP server. I will try that, but QGNSS seems to have a NTRIP Caster function as well. I would rather use that locally instead of sending to a server. Does that function work? It doesn’t seem to have the proper setup.
Ok, so I was able to use the NTRIP server feed function of QGNSS to send RTCM3 corrections to a public caster server (caster.centipede.fr) and then use NTRIP from that caster to my rover and achieve RTK fix. The accuracy was equivalent to the commercial NTRIP server that I normally use, which is good.
For those trying to do the same thing, this is all I did:
Reset to factory with: $PQTMRESTOREPAR*13
Set to Base station mode with: $PQTMCFGRCVRMODE,W,2*29
Set survey-in mode to fixed mode and antenna location with: $PQTMCFGSVIN,W,2,0,0,<ECEF_X>,<ECEF_Y>,<ECEF_Z>cksum
I have accurate location of my antenna, so I used fixed mode.
Save configuration with $PQTMSAVEPAR*5A and reboot
So, while this appears to work ok, I would still ike to use the local caster if possible. The option appears to be there in QGNSS but the setup doesn’t seem to be fully implemented.
Hi @splee
Congratulations on your success.
The caster function of QGNSS also requires you to build your own server. You can refer to the QGNSS guidance document.
Hmm, I did not see any reference to this in any of the QGNSS documents that I have.
In that case, it is all the more important to get the LG290P working with the open source base stations out there, like RTKBase. Can you take a look at that and see if there is an easy way to do that? I don’t know enough about the inner workings to do that.
You already have my email from another topic. Anyway, I’ve resolved all my issues so far and have got RTKBase working with the LG290P.
One issue that got me and you may want to update your document is that the PQTMCFGRTCM command to change the MSM message type does not take until a reboot.
Otherwise, thanks for your help, till the next question!