TCP Server two connection information

Hello there,

I’m using M95 module as a TCP Server for publishing my HTML server that I use for IoT stuff. I wrote all the code for my MCU, it runs perfectly but everytime I try to connect it, I’ve got info like this.

–>REMOTE IP:88.236.*********
–>GET /index HTTP/1.1
–>Host: 5.************
–>User-Agent: MozİIIa/5.O (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.O) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.O
–>Accept: text/html, 9, image/avif, image/webp,
–>tr—TR, tr ; q—0.8 , en—US ; q—0.5 , en; FO .3
–>Accept—Language : tr
–>Accept—Encoding :gzip, deflate
–>Connection: keep—alive

It’s okay to see that, and if I close the page I can see “CLOSED” info too.

My problem is, I see this info like this:

–>REMOTE IP:88.236.*********
–>GET /index HTTP/1.1
–>Host: 5.************
–>User-Agent: MozİIIa/5.O (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.O) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.O
–>Accept: text/html, 9, image/avif, image/webp,
–>tr—TR, tr ; q—0.8 , en—US ; q—0.5 , en; FO .3
–>Accept—Language : tr
–>Accept—Encoding :gzip, deflate
–>Connection: keep—alive

–>REMOTE IP:88.236.*********


It’s just like 2 clients try to connect simultaneously but I checked with AT+QISERVER? and see no clients but me.
My question is: is there any chance to remove this second connect line

" : -->REMOTE IP:88.236.*********


There is 5 sec. between two lines and it’s blocking my program. Any help would be appriciated.

Much thanks.

It seems that another device initiated a connection to your M95, you can check where the 88.236 ip came from, I think there may be something wrong with the server you used to connect to m95