TCP retransmissions

Hell we are using BG95M5 as a TCPclient and we have many retrsnmissions of data packets that doubles the data usage of our device thaw increasing the cost.
Is there a known issue or a workourd for that?
I upload the wireshark capture and a photo
Thank you Dimitris (2.2 KB)

Please try with command AT+QICFG=“tcp/retranscfg”[,<max_backoffs>,<max_rto>]

Thanks for the reply
I have allready try to increase max_rto to 1000 with no success. Do you have a specific suggestion?


This is TCP stack retransmission, probably caused by network signal or bad SNR, so its hard to decreasing the cost if under a bad network.

Retransmissons also happens in a good network. Furthermore if max_rto = 600*100ms = 60sec (delay between retransmision) why in whireshark I watch retransmissons 0,5sec after the initial transmition and 300ms after server send the ack packet?