Strange AT+QCAINFO result for RM520N-GL, fw bug?

The command returns me a strange value (marked with arrows):

+QCAINFO: "PCC",3350,100,"LTE BAND 7",1,482,-69,-8,-39,23
+QCAINFO: "SCC",1474,75,"LTE BAND 3",1,482,-64,-9,-46,20,0,-,-
+QCAINFO: "SCC",432356,--->> 2 <<----,"NR5G BAND 1",482

is it a modem fw bug (RM520NGLAAR03A01M4G), was there any change in the documentation?

There is no such integer value in the documentation.


You can probably refer to <NR_DL_bandwidth> found in AT+QENG command description.

Ok, even that would agree with the bandwidth on which my operator works.


But should it be unified? Now figure out when to use which command.

The <scell_state> argument is missing from that result. Is there more to the result than you’ve shown?

If so, could you please show the full result line from an NR5G aggregated cell?

This is the first example I’ve seen with an aggregated NR5G band in an NSA session, and I need to update software for this situation when CA is active (decoding bandwidth along the way).

This is the full reply to this at command, I didn’t change anything in it.

Update software?

Understood, thank you.