Hi .
We have problem with using Static Navigation feature of module MC60 and MC20 in openCPU mode . The “AT+QGNSSCMD=$PMTK386,221" command just will reply OK and won’t reply complete ACK ( "$PMTK001,386,33D” not come from module and it won’t work as it should ) But in “All in one” mode of module which we can send AT+Command from USART to module command work correctly as datasheet said and reply complete ack .
So is there any limitation in OpenCPU mode or any things we didn’t concerned in this mode to using Static Navigation ?
dear M_Norouzi
May I ask the specific model of the module you use?Please also feedback the SDK version.
Are you using the AT command in OPEN mode?
Yes I used AT command in OPEN mode also I used these function to test this feature ( good to say other command works with this function as expected ) :
i work with MC60 OpenCpu
when i set the command of "$PMTK838,12C" by RIL_GPS_CMD_Send(0,strAT,GPS_JAMMING_STA); i get
" +QGNSSCMD: $PMTK001,838,3,12E " response
but i dont get ANTI SPOOFING STATUS?
Please tell me what to do?
Thanks aloat