Smart EVB G2 development kit

We bought the Smart EVB G2 development kit from you.

When we are trying to build android, on the instruction, we have a problem.

Doing exactly according to the instructions

base commands

repo init -u git:// -b release -m LA.UM.7.2.r1-07500-sdm660.0.xml --repo-url=git:// --repo-branch=caf-stable
repo sync
source build/
lunch sdm660_64-userdebug
make -j8

Sources are downloaded without errors and warnings

There is a problem when compiling android
got the following results

Could you help us?

hi Andrei_G,
You need to merge the SDK released by Quectel. Did you do this?

Hi Jonas-Q
Yes, i used SC66_Android9.0_Quectel_SDK_r034_20200322
I have decided this question. In my case It was need to install libssl-dev package:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev