Some more updates on this issue
we are using SC66 -ENB modules. which consists of wifi 802.11a/b/g/h
additionally we have performed some more test on wifi
RSSI Values:
The RSSI values on the SC66 module are extremely low even at a 1 meter distance from the router and it is -87 and some times -90 and -93(varies from -80 to -95).
and at 3 meters the RSSI is -127
we run "adb shell dumpsys wifi | grep “mNetworkInfo” " command
Couldn’t attach file to forum but spoted some warnings.
[ 20.352494] cnss_utils: WLAN MAC address is not set, type 0
[ 20.368298] [kworke][472233051][17:28:50.642037] wlan: [475:I:HDD]
hdd_initialize_mac_address: 11334: using default MAC address