SC66 Wi-Fi Strength and Performance Issue

We are experiencing significantly low RSSI values and poor Wi-Fi performance on our SC66 modules, even at close proximity (1 meter) to the router.


  1. RSSI Values:
  • The RSSI values on the SC66 module are extremely low even at a 1-meter distance from the router.
  • Comparison with other devices shows that the SC66 has a much weaker signal strength under the same conditions.
  1. Internet Speed Test:
  • We conducted internet speed tests on two SC66 boards placed near the Wi-Fi router.
  • Comparative tests were also performed on a normal smartphone under the same conditions.
  • The SC66 boards consistently showed much lower speeds compared to the smartphone.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your guidance on resolving this issue.

Some more updates on this issue
we are using SC66 -ENB modules. which consists of wifi 802.11a/b/g/h

additionally we have performed some more test on wifi


  1. RSSI Values:
  • The RSSI values on the SC66 module are extremely low even at a 1 meter distance from the router and it is -87 and some times -90 and -93(varies from -80 to -95).
    and at 3 meters the RSSI is -127
  1. we run "adb shell dumpsys wifi | grep “mNetworkInfo” " command
    Couldn’t attach file to forum but spoted some warnings.

    1. [ 20.352494] cnss_utils: WLAN MAC address is not set, type 0
      [ 20.368298] [kworke][472233051][17:28:50.642037] wlan: [475:I:HDD]
      hdd_initialize_mac_address: 11334: using default MAC address

    2. [ 20.660271] [wifi@1][477838959][17:28:50.934011] wlan: [2423:E:WMA]
      wma_chan_phy_mode : Invalid channel width

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your guidance on resolving this issue.

Do you test on your own designed board?

Yes we are testing it on our own board