SC606T SDK setup not working

I have recently started using SC606T EVK board and received SDK files along with documentation. I have completed the SDK setup now.

I have tried building the helloworld example using following steps:
I am using ubuntu 22 and compiled sdk using docker image provided by quectel support team and my directory is work

  1. run docker image.
  2. Go to work/SC60_Linux_R09_r038/poky and source build/conf/
  3. now go to work/SC60_Linux_R09_r038/quectel-app/example/helloworld
  4. run command $make
  5. It build the binary on my linux computer.
  6. Tried it will ./helloworld and worked perfectly.
  7. used adb shell to push to my evk kit in /usr/bin/
  8. tried running in adb shell using helloworld
  9. getting error /usr/bin/helloworld: line 1: syntax error: unexpected “(”

The helloworld binary should not be arm format.
You should enable the cross compiler first.