we are working in the SC206E Smart module and we trying to upgrade the firmware in the SC206E smart module using Qflash tool in windows 10 os version but its shows error in failed in dynamic com port timeout . if any need to install driver for com port and USB driver. provide any guidance for upgrade the firmware
Please open your deviec manager to check the port number of the 9091 port.
In my PC , this is port 5
then use this port to download the firmware
if any driver are install in our host syestem before using the qflash application. Any driver are installed to avoid the com port error
There are always two ports for the USB, please check.
There is a only one port in our host system but we install the ADB driver and setup the path in enviromental variable . the usb are detcted in our host system but cannot flash the firmware in the module . any suugestion for clear these error.
It seems you don’t install the driver.
Please try this attachment.
qualcomm_usb_driver_installer_10057.4.rar (15.8 MB)
the firmware are loaded in the smart module successfully . now we work in the the camera we need to access the camera and modify the code for camera driver with our project aspect. now we want to procedure for the camera access .Any demo video are demo document related for the camera aspect.The camera are connected to the module with the striper. we need to power ON the camera and access the camera and modify the the code with our project aspect.provide some instructions for the above method please provide for us.
thank you.
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yes we have the e-service ticket
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