SC206E Charging Module on SMART-EVB-G2


We’re currently using the SC206E-TE-A Module mounted on the SMART-EVB-G2.

We’re trying to charge two batteries NCR18650BD (specs below)

The EVB is powered via the USB-C of the SC206E-TE-A with S0201 (BATTERY) and S0202 (ON). And the SC206E Module is on.

Regardless this configuration, the batteries are not being charged. We wonder if the charging circuit is enabled by default, or we have to enable it with the dtsi files. If so, can you help us to enable it, please? If not, why do the batteries are not being charged?

Please refer to the following method to modify:

Hi, we’ve tried with DCP_Current_UA and TYPEC_HIGH_CURRENT_UA (because we’ve connected two batteries in parallel) but the batteries keep discharging. In fact, we’ve noticed that the current consumption of the EVB (from USB-C Port) doesn’t increase, it stays the same as if the batteries were no connected.

Please try again as follows:

After applying the modifs, the SC206E Module + EVB started charging the batteries. A more detailed description of this is written below.

The following diagram describes the connections:

The DC Power Supply was limited to 5V,3A.

After the connections were made, switch S0201 was changed to BATTERY and S0202 to ON. Then, PWRKEY was pressed and through DEBUG-UART, we’ve noticed that the battery started to be charged (below the logs).


At this point the DC Power Supply showed that the SC206E module was consuming 370 mA (I assume that the PM was in trickle charging with a max charging current of 400 mA).

At some ponit, VBAT passed the 3.4V limit of the trickle charging mode and the module booted automatically. I noticed that a IBAT of almost 1A appeared.

After boot, the module started to function as normally, but the DC Power Supply current decreased to 100 mA and the battery was not longer being charged. I’m assuming that at this point the battery must be in Constant Current Mode with a max charging current of 450mA but it does not.

Moreover if I execute the at command at+cbc, I get an error


I wonder how can I achieve the module to continue charging the battery until 4.2 V as the documentation explains in Constant Voltage Mode.

The module cannot be powered by a battery alone.
We charge the module by connecting it to a power source or an external battery via USB type-c.
In addition, at+cbc should not be usable. Where did you refer to this command?
We have not developed all AT commands.

Regardless of whether the module is powered by an external battery via USB Type C, the battery can be charged up to 4.2 V? (As described in Quectel_SC200E&SC206E_Series_Hardware_Design_V1.2.pdf, 3.8. Charging Interface) If so, how can we achieve this? Making more modifs on the driver?


I attach the battery connections to the EVB.


Finally, the document that I refer to use the AT commands is Quectel_Smart_Module(Q)_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.1.0_Preliminary_20230719.pdf

Charging the battery requires input power from the USB interface.

As mentioned above, to charge the batteries, the input power of the EVB was the USB interface. You can verify by the photo and diagram that describe the connections.

Diagrama sin título.drawio (1)
Given these connections, S0201 in BATTERY and S0202 in ON, the SC206E module works in the following way:

  1. If the battery’s voltage is less than 3.4V, and PWRKEY is pressed, the module turns on, but it only charges the battery pack. No adb available

  1. When VBAT passes 3.4 V, the module turns on normally (adb available).
  2. When the module is working normally, the batteries are no longer being charged even though the USB interface is connected to the 5V adapter. At a given point, the batteries voltage drops down to 2.8 V, the module reboots and when it is turned on again, the batteries start to charge again.
    Our concerns are:
  • The batteries are not charged until the 4.35V described in the User Guide. They only reach 3.4V.
  • The batteries are no longer charged when the module works normally (screen on and adb available)

We would like to know how to fix these two issues.

Need to perform curve calibration on the battery.
