SC200E Unpacking_tool

I just update the unpacking_tool to last one ( and now I’m getting this error:

[17:52:44] - ################################################################################
[17:52:44] - # update_common_info.PY - VALIDATING FILE PATHS
[17:52:44] - ################################################################################
[17:52:44] - 

[17:52:44] - update_meta: Verifying mandatory partition files against contents.xml
[17:52:44] - =====================================================================
[17:52:44] - FLAVOR - ASIC
[17:52:44] - Skipping partition file validation :[]
[17:52:44] - ------------------------------------------------------------
[17:52:44] - /home/sascar/Desktop/quectel/Unpacking_tool/QCM2290.LA.2.0/common/build/emmc/bin/asic/sparse_images/rawprogram_unsparse0.xml
[17:52:44] - 27 files to check
[17:52:44] -    STORAGE TYPE = emmc
[17:52:44] -    *** ERROR: xbl.elf is NOT listed in contents.xml for asic flavor.
[17:52:44] -    *** ERROR: xbl.elf please update the file element type of xbl.elf as download_file
[17:52:44] -    *** ERROR: xbl_config.elf is NOT listed in contents.xml for asic flavor.
[17:52:44] -    *** ERROR: xbl_config.elf please update the file element type of xbl_config.elf as download_file
[17:52:44] -    Done
[17:52:44] - 

File list validation check failed for mandatory files

Could someone help how can I solve this?

Another question at same topic. For SC200EEMNA 32GB/3GB I have to use this script “” without parameters right?

I saw that inside old unpacking_tool there’re files inside folder BOOT.XF.4.1:

Newer unpacking_tool no files inside folder:


I want to know whether you do this step in the newest unpacking_tool

yes,just “./”