SC20 Linux problem

I decided to change the SC20 system from android to Linux, but when I flashed a new firmware(SC20ALSAR09 Linux from Quectel FTP), my SC20 did not work, and I have no access to the Linux console by UART.

My UART logs:

Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info
Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset), D - Delta, S - Statistic
S - Boot Config, 0x000000e1
B - 1566 - PBL, Start
B - 4542 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start
B - 74021 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start
B - 74025 - elf_loader_entry, Start
B - 75313 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start
B - 75574 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start
B - 89488 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
B - 148936 - PBL, End
B - 161497 - SBL1, Start
B - 219783 - boot_flash_init, Start
D - 30 - boot_flash_init, Delta
B - 226432 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
D - 3416 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (0 Bytes)
B - 236375 - CDT version:3,Platform ID:8,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:0
B - 243634 - pm_device_init, Start
B - 246775 - pm_device_init, TEST - MSM8909 detected
B - 252052 - pm_device_init, INFO - PM8909 is selected
B - 266387 - PM_SET_VAL:Skip
D - 21289 - pm_device_init, Delta
B - 267790 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Start
B - 270169 - cpr_init, Start
D - 0 - cpr_init, Delta
B - 275811 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
D - 213 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Delta
D - 0 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Delta
B - 288804 - pm_driver_init, Start
B - 295301 - → Charge init
B - 3663 - battery voltage
B - 298808 - boot up
B - 10 - Current status
D - 10705 - pm_driver_init, Delta
B - 311283 - clock_init, Start
D - 122 - clock_init, Delta
B - 311649 - Image Load, Start
D - 21746 - QSEE Image Loaded, Delta - (505472 Bytes)
B - 333426 - Image Load, Start
D - 335 - SEC Image Loaded, Delta - (2048 Bytes)
B - 341844 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Start
D - 732 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Delta
B - 348432 - Image Load, Start
D - 13389 - RPM Image Loaded, Delta - (157136 Bytes)
B - 361882 - Image Load, Start
D - 35868 - APPSBL Image Loaded, Delta - (574836 Bytes)
B - 397750 - QSEE Execution, Start
D - 396 - QSEE Execution, Delta
B - 403454 - SBL1, End
D - 244244 - SBL1, Delta
S - Throughput, 38000 KB/s (1239492 Bytes, 32172 us)
S - DDR Frequency, 400 MHz
Android Bootloader - UART_DM Initialized!!!
[0] welcome to lk

[0] SCM call: 0x2000601 failed with :fffffffc
[0] Failed to initialize SCM
[10] platform_init()
[10] target_init()
[40] SDHC Running in HS200 mode
[150] Done initialization of the card
[150] pm8x41_get_is_cold_boot: cold boot
[150] Waiting for the RPM to populate smd channel table
[160] Not able to search the panel:
[160] panel_operating_mode=0x0
[210] Logo config greater than fb config. Fall back default logo
[250] Config MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[420] Panel CMD: command mode dma test failed
[420] dsi panel init error
[420] Turn off MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[510] Not able to search the panel:
[510] panel_operating_mode=0x0
[600] Logo config greater than fb config. Fall back default logo
[630] Config MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[780] Panel CMD: command mode dma test failed
[790] dsi panel init error
[790] Turn off MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[870] Not able to search the panel:
[870] panel_operating_mode=0x0
[1020] Logo config greater than fb config. Fall back default logo
[1050] Config MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[1210] Panic Lut0 534 Lut1 fff Robest 0
[1210] Turn on MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[1230] Video lane tested successfully
CTRL+C: enter instruction mode
CTRL+C: out instruction mode
[1370] fastboot_init()
[1370] Loading keystore failed status 5 [1470] USB init ept @ 0x8f6ca000
[1490] udc_start()

Hi Ricardo_Aguiar,
From the log, your device entered fastboot mode, so you have no access to the Linux console by Uart.
Which module are you using? Could you tell me the IMEI?

And what’s your Android version?

Hi @Jonas.Ding-Q

Android 7.1

If you burn the Android images again, can it start up nomally?

I’ve flashed the firmware several times and it doesn’t work. Android works perfectly but Linux firmware is in this fastboot state.

yes, android works perfectly.

After burn the Android firmware, please send AT command AT+EGMR=0,7 via qcom and share me the output.
By the way, could you tell me which country and which company you are?

How can I send AT command? I tried via QCOM but it didn’t work.
Company: Agres;
Country: Brazil.

Android logs:

Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info
Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset), D - Delta, S - Statistic
S - Boot Config, 0x000000e1
B - 1566 - PBL, Start
B - 4542 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start
B - 163884 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start
B - 163888 - elf_loader_entry, Start
B - 164637 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start
B - 164897 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start
B - 178790 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
B - 238231 - PBL, End
B - 249551 - SBL1, Start
B - 306952 - boot_flash_init, Start
D - 0 - boot_flash_init, Delta
B - 313570 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
D - 3355 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (0 Bytes)
B - 323513 - CDT version:3,Platform ID:8,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:0
B - 330803 - pm_device_init, Start
B - 333944 - pm_device_init, TEST - MSM8909 detected
B - 339251 - pm_device_init, INFO - PM8909 is selected
B - 353586 - PM_SET_VAL:Skip
D - 21289 - pm_device_init, Delta
B - 354989 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Start
B - 357368 - cpr_init, Start
D - 0 - cpr_init, Delta
B - 363011 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
D - 213 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Delta
D - 0 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Delta
B - 376004 - pm_driver_init, Start
B - 382500 - → Charge init
B - 3661 - battery voltage
B - 386008 - boot up
B - 10 - Current status
D - 10705 - pm_driver_init, Delta
B - 398482 - clock_init, Start
D - 152 - clock_init, Delta
B - 399458 - Image Load, Start
D - 21075 - QSEE Image Loaded, Delta - (505472 Bytes)
B - 420564 - Image Load, Start
D - 305 - SEC Image Loaded, Delta - (2048 Bytes)
B - 428952 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Start
D - 671 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Delta
B - 435570 - Image Load, Start
D - 13389 - RPM Image Loaded, Delta - (157080 Bytes)
B - 448990 - Image Load, Start
D - 19612 - APPSBL Image Loaded, Delta - (504172 Bytes)
B - 468632 - QSEE Execution, Start
D - 396 - QSEE Execution, Delta
B - 474336 - SBL1, End
D - 227072 - SBL1, Delta
S - Throughput, 38000 KB/s (1168772 Bytes, 30736 us)
S - DDR Frequency, 400 MHz
Android Bootloader - UART_DM Initialized!!!
[0] [0] welcome to lk

[10] [10] platform_init()
[10] [10] target_init()
[20] [20] retry = 2 SDHCI_MAX_CMD_RETRY = 100
[20] [20] retry = 2 SDHCI_MAX_CMD_RETRY = 100
[30] [30] SDHC Running in HS200 mode add
[40] [40] Done initialization of the card
[50] [50] pm8x41_get_is_cold_boot: cold boot
[60] [60] Waiting for the RPM to populate smd channel table
[60] [60] Not able to search the panel:
[140] [140] Config MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[280] [280] Panic Lut0 0 Lut1 3fff Robest 0
[330] [330] Turn on MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[350] [350] Video lane tested successfully
CTRL+U: you can enter fastboot mode **
input FCT : enter instruction mode
[450] [450] is_enter_fctmode ch:U
[510] [510] is_enter_fctmode ch:ú
** out fct instruction mode

[510] [510] Unable to locate /bootselect partition
CTRL+D: you can enter uart debug open
[530] [530] boot_verifier: Device is in ORANGE boot state.
[540] [540] Device is unlocked! Skipping verification…
[540] [540] Loading boot image (16719872): start
[650] [650] Loading boot image (16719872): done
[650] [650] use_signed_kernel=1, is_unlocked=1, is_tampered=0.
[680] [680] Best match DTB tags 245/00000008/0x00000000/0/1000d/0/0/0/90a25865/27731
[690] [690] Using pmic info 0x1000d/0x0/0x0/0x0 for device 0x1010d/0x0/0x0/0x0
[700] [700] pm8x41_get_is_cold_boot: cold boot
[700] [700] target_pause_for_battery_charge : pon_reason is 144 cold_boot:1
[710] [710] cmdline: console=null androidboot.console=null androidboot.hardware=qcom msm_rtb.filter=0x237 ehci-hcd.park=3 androidboot.bootdevice=7824900.sdhci lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 earlyprintk buildvariant=useruildvariant=user androidboot.bootdevice=7824900.sdh[730] [730] Updating device tree: start
[740] [740] Updating device tree: done
[750] [750] Channel alloc freed
[760] [760] Turn off MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[760] [760] Continuous splash enabled, keeping panel alive.
[760] [760] booting linux @ 0x80008000, ramdisk @ 0x82000000 (1318693), tags/device tree @ 0x81e00000
**[2022-06-28_00:41:56:785] **
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:415]Format: Log Type - Time(microsec) - Message - Optional Info
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:415]Log Type: B - Since Boot(Power On Reset), D - Delta, S - Statistic
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:415]S - QC_IMAGE_VERSION_STRING=BOOT.BF.3.1.2.C2-00060
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:415]S - IMAGE_VARIANT_STRING=DAASANAZA
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:415]S - OEM_IMAGE_VERSION_STRING=quectel
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:431]S - Boot Config, 0x000000e1
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:431]B - 1566 - PBL, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:431]B - 4542 - bootable_media_detect_entry, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:431]B - 116299 - bootable_media_detect_success, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:446]B - 116304 - elf_loader_entry, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:446]B - 117052 - auth_hash_seg_entry, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:446]B - 117314 - auth_hash_seg_exit, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:446]B - 131201 - elf_segs_hash_verify_entry, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:446]B - 190644 - PBL, End
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:446]B - 203984 - SBL1, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:462]B - 261873 - boot_flash_init, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:462]D - 30 - boot_flash_init, Delta
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:462]B - 268552 - boot_config_data_table_init, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:462]D - 3355 - boot_config_data_table_init, Delta - (0 Bytes)
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:462]B - 278556 - CDT version:3,Platform ID:8,Major ID:1,Minor ID:0,Subtype:0
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:493]B - 285846 - pm_device_init, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:493]B - 288987 - pm_device_init, TEST - MSM8909 detected
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:493]B - 294386 - pm_device_init, INFO - PM8909 is selected
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:493]B - 308690 - PM_SET_VAL:Skip
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:493]D - 21350 - pm_device_init, Delta
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:509]B - 310093 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:509]B - 312472 - cpr_init, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:524]D - 30 - cpr_init, Delta
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:524]B - 318115 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:524]D - 213 - Pre_DDR_clock_init, Delta
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:524]D - 0 - sbl1_ddr_set_params, Delta
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:524]B - 331108 - pm_driver_init, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:524]B - 337604 - → Charge init
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:556]B - 3661 - battery voltage
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:556]B - 341112 - boot up
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:556]B - 10 - Current status
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:556]D - 10705 - pm_driver_init, Delta
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:556]B - 353586 - clock_init, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:556]D - 122 - clock_init, Delta
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:556]B - 354532 - Image Load, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:556]D - 21259 - QSEE Image Loaded, Delta - (505472 Bytes)
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:587]B - 375821 - Image Load, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:587]D - 335 - SEC Image Loaded, Delta - (2048 Bytes)
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:587]B - 384239 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:587]D - 640 - sbl1_efs_handle_cookies, Delta
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:587]B - 390827 - Image Load, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:618]D - 13786 - RPM Image Loaded, Delta - (157080 Bytes)
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:618]B - 404674 - Image Load, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:618]D - 19672 - APPSBL Image Loaded, Delta - (504172 Bytes)
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:618]B - 424377 - QSEE Execution, Start
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:618]D - 427 - QSEE Execution, Delta
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:618]B - 430080 - SBL1, End
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:634]D - 228384 - SBL1, Delta
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:634]S - Throughput, 37000 KB/s (1168772 Bytes, 31378 us)
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:649]S - DDR Frequency, 400 MHz
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:729]Android Bootloader - UART_DM Initialized!!!
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:729][0] [0] welcome to lk

[2022-06-28_00:41:59:729][10] [10] platform_init()
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:729][10] [10] target_init()
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:729][20] [20] retry = 2 SDHCI_MAX_CMD_RETRY = 100
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:729][20] [20] retry = 2 SDHCI_MAX_CMD_RETRY = 100
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:729][30] [30] SDHC Running in HS200 mode add
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:791][40] [40] Done initialization of the card
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:791][50] [50] pm8x41_get_is_cold_boot: cold boot
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:791][60] [60] Waiting for the RPM to populate smd channel table
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:791][60] [60] Not able to search the panel:
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:854][140] [140] Config MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[2022-06-28_00:41:59:994][280] [280] Panic Lut0 0 Lut1 3fff Robest 0
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:104][330] [330] Turn on MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:104][350] [350] Video lane tested successfully
**[2022-06-28_00:42:00:104]CTRL+U: you can enter fastboot mode **
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:104]input FCT : enter instruction mode
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:164][450] [450] is_enter_fctmode ch:U
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:226][510] [510] is_enter_fctmode ch:ú
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:226] out fct instruction mode
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:226][510] [510] Unable to locate /bootselect partition
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:226]CTRL+D: you can enter uart debug open
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:226][530] [530] boot_verifier: Device is in ORANGE boot state.
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:226][540] [540] Device is unlocked! Skipping verification…
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:257][540] [540] Loading boot image (16719872): start
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:382][650] [650] Loading boot image (16719872): done
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:382][650] [650] use_signed_kernel=1, is_unlocked=1, is_tampered=0.
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:382][680] [680] Best match DTB tags 245/00000008/0x00000000/0/1000d/0/0/0/90a25865/27731
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:382][690] [690] Using pmic info 0x1000d/0x0/0x0/0x0 for device 0x1010d/0x0/0x0/0x0
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:413][700] [700] pm8x41_get_is_cold_boot: cold boot
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:413][700] [700] target_pause_for_battery_charge : pon_reason is 144 cold_boot:1
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:413][710] [710] cmdline: console=null androidboot.console=null androidboot.hardware=qcom msm_rtb.filter=0x237 ehci-hcd.park=3 androidboot.bootdevice=7824900.sdhci lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 earlyprintk buildvariant=useruildvariant=user androidboot.bootdevice=7824900.sdh[730] [730] Updating device tree: start
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:445][740] [740] Updating device tree: done
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:445][750] [750] Channel alloc freed
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:460][760] [760] Turn off MIPI_VIDEO_PANEL.
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:460][760] [760] Continuous splash enabled, keeping panel alive.
[2022-06-28_00:42:00:476][760] [760] booting linux @ 0x80008000, ramdisk @ 0x82000000 (1318693), tags/device tree @ 0x81e00000

you neend to open the com port like below:

and send commad:

Hi @Jonas.Ding-Q ,
+EGMR: “864430010001091”


You device missed QCN, but I don’t make sure whether is it related to the uart issue. Could you tell me your email? I will send you a QCN file to restore QCN first.


Could you take a picture of your using module so that I can get the right IMEI number of your module?

My sc20 is a third-part hardware design, I don’t have access to this information.

Can’t take a photo of your burning device? I confused



please take like it

@Jonas.Ding-Q ,
My sc20 doesn’t have a shield.

Could you ask the third-part hardware for this info? I can not provide you QCN file if I don’t know the IMEI.