SC20-E Kernel SDK update to Android 12+

Hi, as part of my Android/kernel development and integration learning process, I would like to port kernel and Android SDK of SC20-ESC-8GB-UGND chip to newer Android version 12+ if this is possible on this chip.

I would need SDK access of the chip from.GIT repo. Would like to update the kernel and used android version of the chip.

If this is possible, thank you.

My email is,

Android12 is not supported on SC20.
SC20 supports up to Android8 and Android7 is mainly used.


Yeah, can yu describe why excatly is not supported? What is missing on the chip that it can’t have higdhe version of android running?

SC20 is an old entry-level module.
If you want to use Android12+, you can consider SC200E


Since I have custom board with sc20e module, can you provide me source code of firmware for android 8 so I can build custom rom for my device, apply device tree, settings etc. So not an image, but source code, also do you have open unsigned recovery.img, like twrp to apply to the module.

For SDK, please contact local sales or FAE.
We can only use the recovery.img compiled from AOSP.
