Rtk radio correction

Hello, I would like to know if I can connect 2 LC29HDA modules (configured as base and rover) through a LoRa E32 433T20D module in RTK mode?

Hi @jjunior.vilalba
Theoretically, as long as two LC29HDAs are set to Base mode and Rover mode respectively, and the RTCM data of the Base is transmitted to the Rover module, the module can realize RTK.

I’m getting this message at the base when I start the rover ($PQTMSVINSTATUS,ERROR,3*65) could you tell me what this error would be?

Hi @jjunior.vilalba
How did you configure it? What instructions did you send? Please provide them in the order they were sent. Thank you.

my firmware version:


Could you send me the latest one?

I used the configuration of this forum to base station.

Uploading: image.png…

These were the instructions for testing the survey in
my firmware version:


Could you send me the latest one?

Hi @jjunior.vilalba
Please provide your email address and I will send you the relevant information via email.



Hi @jjunior.vilalba
I have sent you the relevant information via email, please check.