sorry for inconvinence, after internal confirmation, this password has a time limit and will change every time the computer is turned on. Please generate a new one.thanks~
due to this time limitation is possible to schedule our login info/password exchange information ? I think that you have 7 hours ahead compared to Italy local time.
When we can schedule it or otherwise there is another way to restore RM551 factory default ? I hope to hear from you soon.
I will send you the firmware.
You can try
Short the USB_BOOT with the 1.8V, and then if you power up the module, the module will enther EDL mode (Download mode).
I’m very sorry but after many attempts there is no way to enter in EDL mode. I read somewhere you have a chat box for quick responses. Is it possible to use it to have the openwrt password before it expires? Could you say us what do I have to do after this step? Could we fix an appointment? Thanks and best regards
I am very sorry about that.
Now the USB Host cannot recognize this module, and you cannot flash it. I have no other solution
.If you want to login to this module, you must log in through the debug port and input the passwd before the serial port password expires.
Thank you very much but as already written “due to this time limitation is possible to schedule our login info/password exchange information? I think that you have 7 hours ahead compared to Italy local time.
When can we schedule it?” I’m sorry but this is the only option we have. Best regards