RM521 Issue Dropping Internet Traffic - New Firmware Possible?

I switched from a RM520 to RM521 to get 3CA instead of 2CA and it will connect to my carrier like normal and aggregate like expected. But, the internet connectivity will just “drop” and I lose internet. It appears from the modem all is well and I can At and see towers and bands but there is no internet from the modem to the wifi. Phones, tablets etc the connection is cut off. A reboot will fix it. This will happen randomly minutes to hours after reboot. Tried multiple power sources and even switched modem cases (mcuzone). All is working until it just randomly drops dead. Just stumped. So I went back to my RM520 until I can resolve the issue or toss the modem as defective.

I thought I would see if there was a newer firmware that squashed bugs including what I am experiencing, random internet drops that only come back with reset. Is there a newer firmware or troubleshooting suggestions I can try? It pulls 500 DL/100 UL no problem but doesn’t last long until it drops internet traffic.

Thank you.

Sep 9 2023 08:47:24
Authors: Quectel

Thank you. I excluded N41 yesterday and only ran N25 and N71 and it ran all night with no issues so it appears that it is related to my 2 channels of N41 on my tower and how the modem handles them. Not sure just frustrating as I have been chasing the why for weeks. My modem is running an older version of simple admin thanks to your wonderful contributions and write up on github. Can you let me know when you have something written for me to try? Thanks again for detailed write up and how to. Very very helpful.

I will hopefully get to swapping my RM520N-GL, Revision: RM520NGLAAR01A07M4G that is running Simple Admin from the iamromulan site, to my RM521F-GL Revision: RM521FGLEAR05A02M4G in Macuzone fixture this weekend to test.
YES! Thanks to iamromulan for all the GREAT information to make this possible!

However, when I removed my RM521F-GL from my Cheetah V2 router, I see it is label as Engineering Sample.
This really bothers me, sigh…
I guess eventually I will be forced to purchase a retail version if I want to upgrade to the latest firmwares available?
I read that Engineering Samples don’t allow flashing firmware?

We are working on some pretty sweet improvements right now so keep an eye on the GitHub. Discussions are turned on there now as well so feel free to chat in there :grin:
Think it’s a band/bandwidth issue? Could be, maybe some sort of power drain and it causes it to mess up the Ethernet chipset or something. Nonetheless we can see it happening with dmesg where eth0 the PCIe device stops responding and never comes back up. That seems to be the only indicator. ethtool thinks the link is still up too.

I will have a 2 part watchdog script/systemd implementation for everyone as well. You’ll be able to enable both or one of the other. One will watch dmesg for the eth drop and the other will ping Google or cloudflare. If it happens to go down for a certain amount of time then it’ll auto execute AT+CFUN=1,1

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There’s a pretty big misconception about engineering samples.
Normally Quectel releases an ES1 and then an ES2

ES1 is normally internal only I believe
ES2 is what the public will get

Normally the ES2 hardware is pretty much or exactly what the production unit hardware will be.

I’ve heard that there will be no hardware changes between the ES2 and production model RM521F so new firmware should flash no problem on existing ES2 units.

Same thing happened with the EM160, the engineering samples out there can be flashed with new firmware no problem.

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Thank you. It did seem to be power related so I purchased a new board but did not fix it. The more I asked from it in the form of speed/speed test the faster it seemed to fail (not proven but observation only). Light browsing after reboot it stayed up and functioning longer. Last night removed N41 and it stayed up with constant use but that limited speed to~100Down with just N25 and N71. It still failed last week when I only locked to N41 band so I may try to tower lock to a specific N41 if I can and see what happens. Look forward to your watchdog efforts. Thanks again.

Okay, FINALLY got my RM521F-GL and Macuzone Ethernet adapter working with Simple Admin.
I get no drops.
T-Mobile USA, BTW…

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I have the suncomm with RM521F as well. Any speed improvements with the ethernet adapter compared to using it in suncomm?

Can’t say about the Suncomm.
Though, I did remove the modem from a Cheetah V2 router.
The speed was better than the RM520N-GL in a Cheetah V1 router.
I believe the speed is better due to the 3 band aggregation, compared to the 2C aggregation of the RM520N-GL.

I wanted to use the Macuzone Ethernet to be able to use the Simple Admin interface.
I like it MUCH better, as I can control the modem more directly.