RM521 can not set LANIP range, and other oddities

So on my current setup RM521 I am unable to set a LANIP range using:


The return code will be OK, but even with a AT+CFUN=1,1 the default range is always present. I have tried additionally AT+QMAP=“LAN”, which again will say OK and not error but will not actually force a single IP through ETH.

AT+QMAP=“DMZ”,1,4, will work, but actually trying to set a real IP passthrough where I know the range is only 1 IP would be more ideal.

Additionally, when set to NR5G NSA (SA disabled), the command at+qnwprefcfg=“nr5g_band” returns nr5g_band=0
Which might be the case as the 41 band it’s claiming is NR5G might be in fact LTE. However, when I try to send the AT command to: |+QNWPREFCFG=“nr5g_band”,1:2:3:5:7:8:12:13:14:18:20:25:26:28:29:30:38:40:41:48:66:70:71:75:76:77:78:79

The result is OK but no change. However, running +QNWPREFCFG= “nsa_nr5g_band” does return all the bands so maybe this actually expected (as I wrote this I realized that).

While I understand the firmware as of 12/23/2023 is still at it’s latest of I feel a firmware update is needed to be able to update the LANIP issue. It would be nice to be able to band lock in order or by choosing which 3 connections… Like for instance if I had a method to say when in NR5G SA mode connect to bands 41,25,71 and the PCC would be 41 and the 2 SCC bands would be set to 25 and 71 with the current setup its always like:
PCC 41
SCC 25
SCC 41

This might be a later feature request. If a pdf document of the RM521 AT commands is available I would like a link or copy of it (already have the rm520 one). Additionally, as others have requested I would like to know when a firmware update is ready and if we are able to update the firmware over ethernet instead of usb.

Please feel free to comment, recommend, or other thank you all for your support.

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Dear @m1xmstr
As disscussed in another topic, please wait the next official firmware, it will include the fix.

Any updates as to this next official firmware with fix? The issues outlined here by the op have caused problems for me as well.

If you manually edit /etc/data/mobileap_cfg.xml you can change it :grin:
Just reboot after


That solves that problem :wink: Now to figure out why cell locks do not work on the 521 like they do on the 520 :slight_smile:

I read the 521 will not leave engineering release status so there may not be a new firmware…