RM520N-GL Setting-up IPV6 DNS

May I ask if what is the AT Command for RM520N-GL so that I can setup an IPv6 DNS. My Cell Provider already have IPv6 and my WWAN IP is also IPv6 but it still uses IPv4 DNS so its a waste.


Any response is much appreciated. Thank you!

You can try AT+QMAP=“DHCPV6DNS”,“enable”
I don’t know if it works, I haven’t tried it. To turn it off just do the same with disable

See if you receive IPv6 DNS address from the carrier:


Assuming you’re using context 1, otherwise amend the last command.

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I think it works. It last AT command returns:

+CGCONTRDP: 1,5,"internet.globe.ph","2001:0FD8:1A62:0603:1767:A586:9BD4:A405", "FE80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001", "2001:0FD8:0220:0000:0000:0000:0000:0004", "2001:0FD8:03F0:0000:0000:0000:0000:0004"

Just last question, can I set a specific ipv6 dns? For example, cloudflare. I think it uses google dns right now. I cant really see any helpful documentations so youre my only hope. Thank you!

You can use any DNS on your host, you can ignore what is advertised by the carrier.

I see. Thank you again