RM520N-GL modem issue

Hi Bean,

root@SD:/sys/kernel/debug/mhi_q# ls
0308_00:03.00 0308_00:04.00 0308_00:05.00 0308_00:06.00 mhi_netdev
root@SD:/sys/kernel/debug/mhi_q# cd mhi_netdev/
root@SD:/sys/kernel/debug/mhi_q/mhi_netdev# ls

We dont know how to take logs from modem side

I got it Bean.I will check with this one

the debug uart of the Quectel modem

Sure bean i will check it

Logs from Hostside

dmesg_1.3.6.txt (39.5 KB)
bootlogs.txt (37.1 KB)

From modem uart side we are not seeing any prints

Hi Bean,

Please find the attached boot logs,

proto_modem_uart_logs.txt (17.9 KB)

I will check internally.
Could you login in the debug uart of the modem?
The username is root.
You might see quectel-ID and please provide it to me and I could provide you the passwd.

Please check it and provide the waveform.

If you login in the modem, you could use the β€œdmesg” cmd to provide the kernel log for the Quectel modem.

Hi Bean,

okay Bean I will get it

When I give root, it always goes for password; it is not showing ID Bean

sdxlemur@login : root

password :

Hi Bean,


is this correct one?

Sorry. XMR2022RM520NGL seems not to be the Quectel ID.

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If you could not see the Quectel ID, just try the passwd as:
Quectel123 or onelinux123 or Quectel

Hi Bean,

I will try now inform you

Hi Bean,

quectel-v : v1.0

quectel-ID : 13559700

Here is the passwd:


Hi Bean,

Successfully logged in.Attached dmesg logs,

modem_dmesg_logs.txt (87.9 KB)

I will create an internal ticket.

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Hi Bean,

What is the problem?