RM520N-GL LTE Only

I took my Firstnet 5g sim and put it in my phone and confirmed straight to 5g. I put the card into my quectel and straight to LTE. No matter what I do the modem will not connect to 5g. Any tips to get this done? Scoured the internet and nothing seems to work at this point. Thanks in advance.

Does this mean 5g is available and how would I connect?

+QNWPREFCFG: "gw_band",1:2:4:5:6:8:19
+QNWPREFCFG: "lte_band",1:2:3:4:5:8:12:13:14:18:19:20:25:26:28:29:30:32:34:39:40:41:42:43:46:48:66:71
+QNWPREFCFG: "nsa_nr5g_band",1:2:3:5:7:8:12:13:14:18:20:25:26:28:29:30:38:40:41:48:66:70:71:75:76:77:78:79
+QNWPREFCFG: "nr5g_band",1:2:3:5:7:8:12:13:14:18:20:25:26:28:29:30:38:40:41:48:66:70:71:75:76:77:78:79

Can anyone help? This mean 5g available and how can i connect?

+QENG: “servingcell”

+QENG: "LTE","FDD",313,100,C627916,444,67086,66,3,3,B02,-100,-16,-66,12,4,230,-
+QENG: "NR5G-NSA",313,100,444,-112,-4,-17,174770,5,1,0

@Bean.Wang-Q Anyone from support please?!

@quectel-supp-pls @Kefi_Suppport

@silvia trying all your support staff

Bump for support please

You are running 5G, but in NSA mode. This is not “LTE only”.

Dear @TBL
As snowgum mentioned, it is NSA not LTE only.

@silvia @snowgum thanks for responding. Why the slow speeds and in my modem manager in openwrt say technology “LTE” and not 5g nsa?

Your +QENG results show poor bandwidth: 10 MHz on LTE B66 plus another 10 MHz on NR5G n5.

That’s a question for an OpenWrt forum.

@snowgum Thanks, I ordered some better antennas hopefully that will help as the signal strength is weak.