RM520N-GL Firmware, etc

Hello! first time tinkerer of LTE/5g modules. Humbly requesting rm520n-gl drivers for linux + windows. If you can provide updated guides/AT commands and not too much trouble to send along I would appreciate it.

Oh - also is there an updated “Thermal Design Guide” document for this chip?

Also to add. I am not using this for production use of any kind. This is purely a hobby/interest in pushing this device to its maximum performance limits. I’m OK with nightly builds / beta / alpha / etc (and welcome to sign up to testing programs/provide feedback if there is need from quectel)


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@herbert.pan-Q Can you share the updated material to my email too? All the stuff asked by Chris Anzalone above, Drivers for linux/windows and the thermanl design guide

Can I get the latest firmware, drivers (Windows and Linux) and manual to my email as well? I have the RM520N-GL. Many thanks.

I have sent them to your email,pls check

Thank you Herbert. Can I also get the Windows drivers? I only got Linux, firmware and AT manuals.

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Can you also send me the software that is required to do the update?
QFlash I think.


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Can I also get a version of QFlash? I also was reading that firmware A07 is certifired for AT&T. Can I get that version of firmware as well? Yesterday I got the A06 version.

Can you please send the latest Linux driver for the Quectel RM520N-GL module to me?


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@herbert.pan-Q Thank you very much.

Lastly, we would also like to update the Quectel RM520N**-GL** firmware. Could we get all the required files for that (QFlash, etc.).


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Can you send me tools, firmware and at commands list?

Hey. I would also like the drivers and firmware for Windows / Linux / Mac

I have sent it to your email,pls check

I have sent it to your email,pls check


IMEI: ‘868371050187463’

Please send the latest firmware to raul.tambre@clevon.com. :pray:

I am requesting the A07 firmware for my RM520NGL, thank you.