RM520N-EU Firmware Req

Request the latest firmware for module, current version


Revision: RM520NEUDAR03A05M4G


I have sent it to your email,pls check

Can you please send me the latest firmware for RM520N-GL . thank you

email : fantazma03@gmail.com

I have sent it to your email,pls check

what to use ? you sent me 2 different firmwares R01A08 and R03A03?


Please check your current version and upgrade to the corresponding R version


Can you share information in relation to R01 and R03 firmware?

Is there a hardware difference in the modules requiring R01 or R03 in RM520N-GL for example? If the modules are identical for either R01 and R03, is there a special process one must follow to move the firmware on a module from R01 to R03 or R03 to R01 other than simply using qfirehose to flash it?

Or is it simply what R01 and R03 can be interchanged but both are designed for different geographical regions around the Globe?

Request for latest firmware. Send to ak47atong@gmail.com


only R03 version,I have sent it to you

this is the latest firmware version

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Could you please send me the latest firmware for RG520N-EU-DA?. thank you
My current version is RG520NEUDAR01A05M8G

Could you please also send me latest one? Currently at: RM520NEUDAR03A05M4G_01.200.01.200 @herbert.pan-Q

I have sent it to you,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me

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I have sent it to you,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me

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Sorry,I need the firmware for RG520N-EU-DA LGA version, not RM520N-EU,can you send me the firmware for RG520N-EU-DA? you have sent M.2 modules firmware to me

I have resent it to you,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me

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Good day @herbert.pan-Q ! May I also request the latest firmware for RM520N-EU? Thanks a lot!

I have resent it to you,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me

(post deleted by author)

I have another RG520N-EU-DA module,current version is RG520NEUDAR03A01M8G_01.200.01.200, Could you please share the latest R03 firmware for me? thanks you