RM520N-CN AT+QNWLOCK Not working

Dear Team,

Because there is too much interference in the 5G cell signal, when trying to use AT commands to lock 5G SA, I found that the current firmware version does not lock the cell and will cause the 5G chip to restart and lose connection. It needs to be power off and when get the info using AT+QNWLOCK=“common/5g”,0 It returns that there is no lock.

My firmware version as below:
Revision: RM520NCNAAR05A02M4G

AT QNWLOCK Command :

Is it a firmware issue? Is there anything I need to do?

Looking forward to your reply.


Dear @xinyan

0 indicates disabling locking module to the specified cell, so there is no lock.

RM520NCNAAR05A02M4G is the latest firmware.

AT+QNWLOCK=“common/5g”,[pci],[freq],[scs],[band] is correct, please confirm pci and frequency is correct.
Please note this command is just for testing, not commercial.