RM510Q-GL windows 11 connection problem USB 3.0 - preparation in progress

My problem is this in practice I have inserted the RM510Q-GL module on a 5G type-C Adapter Board M.2 when I try to connect with my 5G sim the result that remains this written and still does not connect i am seriously looking for help


Maybe the module can’t get the APN information automatically, you can use the AT command set the APN information manually and then try to connect.

Thanks I tried with this command but it still doesn’t work AT+CGDCONT=1,“IP”,“internet.it”
Screenshot 2022-06-19 084618

Have you tried


Damn it doesn’t work but the moderators don’t even calculate me they don’t answer me.
Someone kind enough to send me the latest drives or firmware please my mail Diaryquecte@protonmail.com

Have you tried the modem in all different modes… MBIM, QMI, or ECM

I you bought your modem direct from Quectel contact them directly, if not still contact them directly.

Ever tried APN internet.wind ?

I tried but nothing doesn’t work

Could you please explain how I can try different modes? Thanks in advance.

To set different Connection Modes you need to send either AT Command followed by a Modem Reboot, I think you need to set it to MBIM mode.




Who is your service provider, and did you register the RM510Q’s IMEI to that network plan from your provider?