Does anyone have the latest RM510 firmware available? I am on RM510QGLAAR11A02M4G_01.001.01.001 currently and would like to update. I have the LP version.
The latest firmware version:RM510QGLAAR11A03M4G_01.001.01.001
@herbert.pan-Q this looks to be the RM500Q-GL firmware update. I need the latest RM510Q-GL update please.
Is there an AAR13 version with NR-CA available yet?
RM510QGL Latest released version
Do you need?
I need latest drivers of 510Q module
What type of driver do you need, Windows or Linux?
Both, if possible, I am comparing the performance
RM510QGLAAR11A04M4G_01.200.01.200 is the latest firmware version
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