
Hello, I tryed to post recently this matter:
recently purchased a second hand modem, but it not works, in w10 give me only 2 ports, one unavailable DM_com port and a ready Nmea_port ,so if disable driver it appear as ECM device; so I put it into usb_boot by bridge vreg & usb_boot test pins and use Qflash:5.8 but it hangs on download_raw and go in timeout.After the card still remain in QDLoader by removing the bridge as unique com port and is recognized as QUSB_BULK_CID:0410_SN:49CBD7EF in a fresh laptop but still QDLoader into a Q_driver_ready laptop.
card is recognized as:
device manager shows QUSB_BULK_CID:0410_SN:49CBD7EF
info from imei_check:
SN: P1Q20GS02005968
IMEI: 355878110128188
and in logs says
“… there is a chance your target is in sahara mode!! …
regardless this program speaks firehose protocol and your target is speaking sahara protcol, so this will not work”
but have only RM502QGLAAR11A02M4G_01.001.01.001 as fw_file for firehose and in sahara_mode needs BootLoader for the nand ENPRG9x07.mbn not present in fw_file and there is less 14s of live due to loop_power_cicle.
Please give me a possibility to restore this modem_card if possible.
I think the BootLoader in the nand is corrupted because the card is into a loop cicle and device manager show _QDLoader 9008 com port and power_cicle every 14s.Is still possible flash a Software-Backup with QPST Software or a particular valid bootloader for stop the loop power_cicle and then do a fresh firmware for unbrick this card?
Marco Barbato

Do you mean that you flash the modem with RM502QGLAAR11A02M4G_01.001.01.001? And where do you get the firmware?

The biggest concern is that all RF parameters are erased.
See if your supplier supports sending it back for repair.
If it is a hardware problem, such as some core components are broken, then it cannot be fixed.

Hi Bean, we say that “the dress does not make the monk”, are the tools to make a difference, before considering a purchase I go to browse the availability of any possible documentation including the firmware. I got the fw_version from your link on this forum as long as it was available.Sincerely buying hardware without free access to documentation is a deterrent and forces people to buy only from those who offer assistance.

Here Unbrick Quectel_RM502Q-GL in 900e

I can understand that anyone bought any product and was not able to use it. The modem is not cheap at all. There’s something wrong with the service at Quectel. The Quectel lacked a way to distribute documentation to the customers.
No one has replied to this question because it is difficult to solve. If the module has hardware damage or RF parameters are missing, if the AT+CFUN? only return 5, or the modem could not register the celluar network any more, that is very difficult to resolve. The cusomer could only send the modem to Quectel to repair.
This module cannot be flashed other improper firmware. For example, if this is RM502QGLAAR05A03M4G, then it can only be flashed with the firmware beginning with RM502QGLAAR05.

I agree but if I had the files available I would have easily solved it myself. Good thing the modem was used secondhand and I forced things.

There is another problem with the Quectel Forum.
If your question is in the wrong section, there will no one to answer it. For example, for this problem, it is recommended to put it in the 5G and Upgrade/Debug sections.

:+1: yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. .