RM502Q-AE keeps appearing and disappearing in Network Connections. Windows 11

I have the RM502Q-AE in a USB enclosure. In Windows 11, I do not see a cellular tile. When I go to Network Connections, the wireless adapter for the RM502Q-AE keeps appearing and disappearing. It seems to happen every 2-3 seconds.

Can someone please provide advice?

Dear @sollermun
Which driver do you use? which network card type interface did you use?

I was able to resolve the issue by switching to QMI mode.

However, I have a different issue now. I can connect to the carrier, but I have no internet. I can QPING to google and get a response, so I know that the USB modem has internet access, but Windows 11 cannot access the internet. The USB modem also works fine when connected to a ZBT router.

Any idea how I can connect the modem directly to the PC and use the internet?

Did you try to setup a manual DNS?

I tried changing the IPv4 DNS to and but that did not work. I’m not sure what to do with the IPv6 DNS.