RM500U-CN in Eu/UK

Hi, I’m confused.

I’ve ordered RM500U-CN - Quectel specs says EMEA, some other sites say CN only.
The 5GNSA bands look OK for UK (although it doesn’t cover as many as eg RM520)
Will this work OK in the UK/Eu please?
This module is less expensive than other RM5xx modules - why could this be?


I saw it working in LTE mode on O2 network with VirginMobile SIM in the UK. I don’t own it, I was just helping someone remotely.
This modem is based on UNISOC platform, not Qualcomm and it is probably discontinued.

Interesting… Thanks for the update. It is still in Quectel literature…
Is the fact its UNISOC platform good or bad?

BTW - are you the same jfrog who posts on ROOter forums, if you don’t mind me asking?


I was referring to this post: Quectel RM500U latest firmware - #2 by silvia
You’re right in your assumption :wink:

OK, thanks. As you say it looks like it may be discontinued now. Oh well.
As you may guess, I also post there occasionally!