RM500QGL Tx power

I try to use the AT commands to get some network and signal info from my RM500QGL modem connected to OAI gNB in SA mode.


gives me:

+QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","NR5G-SA","TDD", 001,01,E00,0,1,663264,77,12,-85,-11,20,1,-

…according to manual In SA mode:

+QENG: "servingcell",<state>,"NR5G-SA",<duplex_mode>,<MCC>,<MNC>,<cellID>,<PCID>,<TAC>,<ARFCN>,<band>,<NR_DL_bandwidth>,<RSRP>,<RSRQ>,<SINR>,<tx_power>,<srxlev>

I have some questions here:

-“NOCONN” should mean that the module is registered but in idle state, but this is given also when the module transmit the data actively

-the value for tx_power is decribed in the manual as follows: “TX power value in 1/10 dBm. It is the maximum of all UL channel TX power. The <tx_power> value is only meaningful when the device is in traffic.” (the upper was given in traffic)

… so does my “1” value here for tx_power really mean the power of 0.1dBm?.. can this value be trusted, isnt that a little low? And if yes, is there any way to force the modem to raise the power manually?

My setup is more or less like this:

except I use n310 USRP istead.

One of problems I experience is rather poor UPlink performance (low MCS, etc…). So Im tring to figure out what might be wrong.

Thank in advance for any reply.

Dear @kcrjan
Could you share the AT command which you test? Then we can check internally.

I just connect the modem to the network in Linux using qmicli command:
qmicli --device=/dev/cdc-wdm0 --device-open-proxy --wds-start-network=“ip-type=4,apn=oai” --client-no-release-cid

The modem registers and gets the IP ok and also transmits the data, but with less than expected performance. So in order to find out whats wrong I try to get as much information as possible.If I issue the mentioned AT command, I get the upper mentioned response (during the active data transmission) … so Im am trying to understand the values Im getting… all of them make sense to me more or less, except those “NOCONN” for state and “1” for tx_power.

+QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","NR5G-SA","TDD", 001,01,E00,0,1,663264,77,12,-85,-11,20,1,-


Dear @kcrjan
For NOCONN is aimed at voice services, and if you query during a phone call, it is connected. The data service has always been NOCONN.
For TX_power, it need to multiply by 10 to obtain the actual transmission power, it means 10dBm.