RG520NEU not registering

I have several RG520NEU modules and I am trying to get them to work on a network. I have one that worked at the first try, registering, getting IP and connectivity. The rest, however, not only don’t register but even fail to see the cell when I execute the AT+COPS=? command with the SIM card inserted (The PLMN is 24427).

[2024-06-26_14:30:20:297]+COPS: (1,“FI DNA”,“DNA”,“24412”,2),(1,“Telia FI”,“Telia”,“24491”,2),(1,“FI elisa”,“elisa”,“24405”,12),(1,“244 46”,“244 46”,“24446”,7),(1,“FI DNA”,“DNA”,“24412”,7),(1,“FI elisa”,“elisa”,“24405”,7),(1,“244 45”,“244 45”,“24445”,7),(1,“Telia FI”,“Telia”,“24491”,7),(0-4),(0-2)

However, if I remove the SIM card, the AT+QSCAN=2 command is detecting the cell and also the AT+COPS=? command is detecting the network.

[2024-06-26_14:32:38:437]+QSCAN: “NR5G”,244,05,641280,138,-98,-11,26,1
[2024-06-26_14:32:38:437]+QSCAN: “NR5G”,244,27,636000,110,-54,-11,77,1
[2024-06-26_14:32:38:437]+QSCAN: “NR5G”,001,01,667296,0,-97,-11,33,1

[2024-06-26_14:32:58:424]+COPS: (0,“FI DNA”,“DNA”,“24412”,7),(0,“FI DNA”,“DNA”,“24412”,2),(0,“244 46”,“244 46”,“24446”,7),(0,“244 45”,“244 45”,“24445”,7),(0,“Telia FI”,“Telia”,“24491”,2),(0,“Telia FI”,“Telia”,“24491”,7),(0,“Test PLMN 1-1”,“Test1-1”,“00101”,12),(0,“FI elisa”,“elisa”,“24405”,12),(0,“244 27”,“244 27”,“24427”,12),(0,“FI elisa”,“elisa”,“24405”,7),(0-4),(0-2)

Anyone has a clue about what could be causing the issue? Thanks in advance.

Dear @CarlosR_5COMM
AT+COPS=? is to list all network operators present in the network.

If want to check the register status, please use:

Dear @silvia, I know that cops checks all networks operators. My question was why there is difference in the output when SIM card is placed compared to when it is not. Is it possible that the module has blacklisted the network? The servingcell is returning LIMSRV but not on the intended network’s cell.