Rg200u-cn qnetdevstatus urc

RG200U-CN AT commands manual is not available on quectel website. The result of QNETDEVSTATUS=1 gives couple of IP addresses for different SIM cards. What is the format of the URC result?

From the quectel CM it is ipv4 addresses followed by ipv6 addresses. Request AT command manual to validate the sequence. Please refer the image.

Dear @Richa_Chaudhari
The document is under process, just share the screenshot fo this AT command for reference, thanks for your understanding.

Hi Thanks for the reply.

Could you also confirm whether the device will work in qmi mode?
I dont think the module has QUALCOMM chipset.

The issue I am facing is that the quectel connect manager supports ipv6 only in qmi mode only. With ATC (CDC-NCM), ipv4+v6 or ipv4 is supported but only ipv6 is not. As a result not able to get data connectivity with quectel connect manager. Will there be an update for this as well?
