Request RM520N-GL latest firmware & QFirehose Windows

Hi, please send the latest firmware update and Windows software package for the RM520N-GL. Thank you

I have sent them to you,pls check

i would like to ask latest firmware with driver and qflash for RM520-GL

it is funny cause the firmware from Cioswi is indicating im connected to 5g when in fact im only on lte from Putty/socat

pls email me

Thank you. Can I use any M.2 USB3 enclosure to upgrade it on windows? Or could you recommend one?

im sure it will work with m.2 ngff to USB adapter. i tried my em06 em12 and em160r with such.

can you share rm520ngl windows files for upgrade?

i need it because my module is only connecting to 4G LTE not 5G despite 5G signal in the area, even if i connect outdoor antennas. it is frustrating because my phone easily connects to 5G

I have sent it to you,pls check

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Please send as well.

Also, can you send me the protocols for RGMII - AT commands over ethernet?


I have sent it to you,pls check

Thank you. Where can i get latest qflash and windows driver?

I have sent it to you,pls check

Thank you so much for the support. I have bought most modules since 2019 from ep06 em06 em12g em160rgl and now rm520ngl and havent updated them since. Thanks

Hi Herbert,

I received two emails.

Which file gives you the info over AT commands for the RM520N-GL over ethernet?

Iā€™m referring to this post from before: RM502Q-AE and at+qeth="eth_at" - #10 by silvia

Coupld you please send the latest firmware update and Windows software package for the RM520N-GL.
Any instructions for updating would be most useful.
Also, is esim available on the RM520N-GL?

I have sent it to you,pls check

im having disconnect problems with the firmware yo gave me was Revision: RM520NGLAAR01A07M4G.

it sometimes runs on 3G which is worst.
i never had such problems with the former RM520NGLAAR01A05M4G revision.

Can you give me a copy of the former revision RM520NGLAAR01A05M4G?
it was much better on my router. Can you give me a copy of the former revision RM520NGLAAR01A05M4G?

I have sent it to you,pls check

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Could you please send the latest firmware update and Windows software package for the RM520N-GL.
Any instructions for updating would be most useful.

Thanks so much!

I have sent the latest firmware and AT doc to your email,pls check