Request latest firmware of LC29HDA

I’m trying RTK test by NTRIP Client,

but it dosen’t convert into Float or Fixed RTK even if it has communicated with NTRIP Server.

I heard that it would be the firmware issue. so I request the latest firmware of LC29HDA. I am using LC29H-DA EVB KIT model.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Minerva01st,

Please check the items below, thanks!

  1. If you receive "$PQTMTXT,1,01,01,03,This version is not licensed, please
    contact FAE.*7C " from module, that means the RTK algorithm is not activated. If so, I will provide you a note about how to make it works.

  2. Please query the current firmware on your EVB by sending $PQTMVERNO*58.

  3. Please make sure that your EVB is working in a good signal environment. You can download QGNSS tool from New tab ( QGNSS tool is a useful tool for Quectel GNSS module debugging and upgrading firmware. You will find a User Guide in the packet.

  4. Could you share me which kind of RTCM protocol is supported by the ntrip server? BTW, these are the RTCM protocol supported by LC29HDA

Best regards

Thanks for replying Raphael.

I sent $PQTMVERNO*58 and got response like this:

And I also have reset my EVB and got response like this:

And these are RTCM protocol supported by the ntrip server

Thanks in advance.