Replace firmware on RG520N-EU

Hi folks,

i’m currently have a CPE outdoor unit sold by Telekom (DT5GR2A).

This unit looks like a module with RTL8125 PHY with some customized stuff inside for the WebUI and APN provisioning interface. I have access to the unit via ADB and the partition layout looks like a stock module:

dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00280000 00040000 "sbl"
mtd1: 00100000 00040000 "mibib"
mtd2: 01600000 00040000 "efs2"
mtd3: 00280000 00040000 "rawdata"
mtd4: 00380000 00040000 "sys_rev"
mtd5: 00280000 00040000 "cust_info"
mtd6: 00200000 00040000 "tz"
mtd7: 00140000 00040000 "tz_devcfg"
mtd8: 00140000 00040000 "ddr"
mtd9: 00140000 00040000 "apdp"
mtd10: 00140000 00040000 "xbl_config"
mtd11: 00100000 00040000 "xbl_ramdump"
mtd12: 00140000 00040000 "multi_image"
mtd13: 00100000 00040000 "multi_image_qti"
mtd14: 00140000 00040000 "aop"
mtd15: 00140000 00040000 "qhee"
mtd16: 00140000 00040000 "abl"
mtd17: 00340000 00040000 "uefi"
mtd18: 00140000 00040000 "toolsfv"
mtd19: 00140000 00040000 "loader_sti"
mtd20: 00100000 00040000 "logfs"
mtd21: 00140000 00040000 "devinfo"
mtd22: 00140000 00040000 "sec"
mtd23: 00a80000 00040000 "multi_fota"
mtd24: 00140000 00040000 "misc"
mtd25: 00140000 00040000 "ipa_fw"
mtd26: 00140000 00040000 "usb_qti"
mtd27: 01700000 00040000 "boot"
mtd28: 01700000 00040000 "b_boot"
mtd29: 05b00000 00040000 "modem"
mtd30: 05b00000 00040000 "b_modem"
mtd31: 06500000 00040000 "system"
mtd32: 06500000 00040000 "b_system"
mtd33: 01f00000 00040000 "oemapp"
mtd34: 01f00000 00040000 "b_oemapp"
mtd35: 01f00000 00040000 "oemdata"
mtd36: 00200000 00040000 "board_data"
mtd37: 1ab80000 00040000 "usrdata"

I want to know if it’s possible to replace their “crappy” firmware with a stock FW from Quectel module.

This is the current version installed (very old and also beta…):

Revision: RG520NEUDBR01A04M8GA_OCPU_ACY_BETA_20221115C

Thanks in advance

Dear @stich86
Actually, we are not familer with this device and don’t know how to replace their firmware. For the device, Telekom will have their own way to replace. Sorry for this.

Hi stich86,
I also have the same CPE module and I would like to replace the firmware to use it in my environment.
Did you find any solution for firmware replacement and for managing it with AT commands?
Actually I can telnet via Eth, but the only way I can send AT commands is via USB with Qnavigator.