Hi, I’m trying to read PQTM messages from GNSS EVB Kit with LC29HEA from port with usb cable. But when I try to connect via python code or term apps, it troubleshooting and connection lost. Actually sometimes I can get messages just for once with code then troubleshooting. What am I missing? Thanks.
Just a suggestion, but have you tried communicating with the board with the QGNSS program first? Once you verify that you can read data and configure the board with QGNSS, then you can troubleshoot why you’re having problems with your program…
Yes, it can communicate with QGNSS. But when I tried to communicate with my computer via USB port, it can’t. Thanks for advice.
So you can’t even connect to it with a serial terminal program, like putty.exe? That is the simplest scenario, connecting to the serial port associated with the USB port, then NMEA messages should stream to the terminal.
Yes, I can’t even connect with putty. When I tried leds don’t flash anymore, does not communicate. If I kill the code it turns normal. I can’t figure out why. I will try to snif port maybe I need to send some init messages first. I don’t know.
If QGNSS can connect to the module but you cannot connect with putty, there must be something wrong with the way you are addressing the serial port or something…How is the serial port showing up on your PC?
Normal COM port. I am try to connect via my code just like same settiings with Q
By default, your module should output NMEA messages that should show up on a program like putty, just like below: