RAW IP logging with EC21

Hi, I am using EC21 with the internal TCP and MQTT stack. Is there a possiblility to log / monitor the IP layer out of the EC21, maybe via the debug UART?

Which layer of logs do you need to view?

Hi Herbert. I would like to see TCP layer.

Execute this instruction before fetching the log


User Guide on Capturing QwinLog of Quectel LTE & 5G module (Qualcomm 4G& 5G Platform).pdf (480.0 KB)

QWinLog_V1.6.8_2021_0125.zip (237.8 KB)

After capturing the log, please upload it, we can use other tools to convert it into pCAP file (Wireshark can parse).

Hi, what software can I use to convert QWinLog files to PCAP?

pcap needs to be converted through Qualcomm’s QXDM or QCAT

Hi. Don’t you have the QCAT installation package? Would you like to share it?

I have sent Qwinlog to you,pls check

@herbert.pan-Q could you sent it to me too?

I have sent Qwinlog to you,pls check

@herbert.pan-Q Yes, thanks