RAW IP logging with EC21

Hi, I am using EC21 with the internal TCP and MQTT stack. Is there a possiblility to log / monitor the IP layer out of the EC21, maybe via the debug UART?

Which layer of logs do you need to view?

Hi Herbert. I would like to see TCP layer.

Execute this instruction before fetching the log


User Guide on Capturing QwinLog of Quectel LTE & 5G module (Qualcomm 4G& 5G Platform).pdf (480.0 KB)

QWinLog_V1.6.8_2021_0125.zip (237.8 KB)

After capturing the log, please upload it, we can use other tools to convert it into pCAP file (Wireshark can parse).

Hi, what software can I use to convert QWinLog files to PCAP?

pcap needs to be converted through Qualcomm’s QXDM or QCAT