Questions regarding RM520N-GL support for e-sim

RM520N-GL spec says that the e-sim function is optional/under underdevelopment. Related to this, I have the following questions.

  1. What does the feature being optional mean? Does this mean the e-sim feature is disabled or something?
  2. I have a few RM520N-GL modules. How can I test them to know whether they have e-sim support?

I would really appreciate replies to these questions.

Ali Nawazish


Dear @m_ali
For some optional feature, we need time to develop and the timeline is uncertain. But you can check it from the release note of firmware like below. It means it is supported from this firmware.

@silvia @m_ali Here is a thread about asking which Quectel models support e-SIM: Which Quectel modems have eSIM / eUICC functionality? Do Quectel models have different levels of e-SIM support? How use e-SIM? . I hope to get clarified soonest which 4G and 5G modules have e-SIM support now.

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