Quectel RM520N-GL Wont Connect to NSA Network

Just like what title says, my x62 module cant connect to NSA network and its a growing problem with my other known RM520 users. LTE and SA modes works just fine. I also tried with different network providers, resetting it, upgrading its firmware version, all of the possible debugging steps, locking commands, and even transferring it to another board but still no avail. There was no special configuration and can confirm that I have a working 5G cell signal on my area since my other RM520 devices works with no problem with average -65 RSRP on NSA band. Any ideas on how to fix? Its becoming an alarming case here in PH.

Might help:

Screenshot 2024-01-27 131000

Checking if the module can scan the available NSA bands (it returns none):


Dear @misuzuu
Please check the combinations of NSA on your region.
Then I will check if they are supported or not.

LTE B1 + B3 + N41, sometimes it can support B1 + B41 + N41. Also this is not a country compatibility issue since my other RM520N-GL devices works fine. Its just these other RM520N-GL losing the capability to connect to NSA starting from last last week. Again, I did tests with my working RM520N-GL in the same location with the same configuration and still the bad ones doesn’t work. Cant pinpoint the actual cause of this.

Any updates on this problem?

Have you tried issuing this command:

And perhaps this too:

I already tried the preferred network info command but the second one, not yet. Will try this and give an update asap.

Also it is worth noting that few weeks ago I had a similar issue where 5G could not be activated on my RM502Q-AE with whatever I did. What worked was powering off my router, taking the sim card out and put it inside a mobile phone that supports 5G. After that I put the sim card back in my 5G module and NSA 5G worked right away!