Quectel RM500Q Connection Issue

Ive just adquired a Quectel RM500Q-GL, but im not able to make it works. I have cloned this git repo following the instructions of the documentation of the web I bought the module. Im trying to use it with a khadas VIM3 board. There is no device in the /dev/ directory pointing to the module but when I write lsusb in the command prompt y see

“Bus 001 Device 003: ID 2c7c:0800 Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd.”

When I try to launch the QConnectManager in the Khadas board I get the following error:

khadas@Khadas:~/quectel-CM$ sudo ./quectel-CM 
[02-22_17:06:21:631] QConnectManager_Linux_V1.6.2
[02-22_17:06:21:632] Find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.3 idVendor=0x2c7c idProduct=0x800, bus=0x001, dev=0x003
[02-22_17:06:21:634] network interface '' or qmidev '' is not exist
[02-22_17:06:21:634] qmidevice_detect failed
[02-22_17:06:21:635] atdevice_detect failed
[02-22_17:06:21:635] qmidevice_detect failed

I hope you can help me soon.

Do I need to install some driver?

Dear @Diego_Gayango
I have sent the driver to you via Message, please check and try again.