Quectel_EG25-G(MINIPCIE) KC certificate test reports requests


Our product utilizes the EG25-G MINIPCIE, and we would appreciate receiving the test reports for KC certification, specifically the RF test report and RF EMC test report. These reports are essential for obtaining certification for our product in South Korea. Could you please send me the test reports?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,

Hi @Jun
I have send it to you by chat box,pls chk.

Dear Lyman,

Thank you. Could you also please provide me the RF test report and the RF EMC test reports? I need these for the Korean test institute.

Also, I was wondering if we could get the NCC certificate and the underlying test reports as well? We are also in process of starting up in the Taiwanese market with our product.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Jun
Send again,pls chk.

Hi @lyman-Q

Thank you for the provided documents. However, the test report for the KC Certificate doesn’t seem like the correct one.

Normally to gain a KC test certificate, you should have two documents:

  1. RF test report
  2. RF EMC test report
    The test reports should show the module number EG25-G MINIPCIE and have contain the test summary.

Could you please check again if you are able to provide these two test reports? Since the module holds the certificate it is highly likely that you have the reports as well.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you very much in advance!

HI @lyman-Q
Do you know if there is any progress on this request? We are urgently in need of test reports.
Thank you very much in advance.

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Did you ever receive help on this? I have the same problem!