Yes, that’s my plan ultimately, but just want to find some documentation to guide along troubleshoot rather than trial and error to reverse engineer.
Given that the 0V Vdd isuess does not happen consistantly, and currently unsure how to re-produce. Even if the resistor is working after soldered, I have no ways to know this is exactly the solution.
Also 2 reasons led me to ask for background logic:
Most of the terminal devices with EC25 works flawlessly and non of them has the pull up resistor
I do have another brand terminal that uses EC25, and its manufacture also decided to skip this pull up as well, it must be for a reason
Dear Robin,
For such issue, there have no such document to guide you how to find the reason, just share some tips with you. Hopefully it is useful to you. Thanks!
1.The most important is to follow up the reference design to design your own circuit.
2. About the SIM card issue, it is better to check whether the SIM slot have any connect issue, and use AT+CPIN? to check whether the module have recongize the SIM card.
3.If not, it is better to check the voltage of SIM_VDD, we recommend you use oscilloscope to check it from power on the module.
4. You also can check the waveform of SIM_CLK, SIM_DATA to check whether there have any interference on it. Of course, you need to check the layout before do it. Thanks!
I tried to add i nthe 15k pull up resistor and made no improvement, the sim circuitry is exactly same asm refernce. So still stuck…
I did manage to speak with one of you company rep who explained that on boot logic. It detect sim with both 3V and 1.8V, for 3 times, if all 3 times failed, then VDD is shut off.
Still doesn’t explain why the Sim cant be detected
Anyone got any further ideas? Or anyone got any luck with a scope? I don’t have one.
Dear Robin_Xiao,
The module’s behavior of SIM detect is the same as the above said, you can check the waveform of SIM_VDD start from power on module, and confirm whether it is the same as we said. If it is different, it may be related to module hardware or software, if it is the same, you may need to check the external SIM card circuit to confirm whether there have any abnormal, you can try to weld another SIM holder connect to module SIM pins to confirm it. Thanks! @SmartEq_Bilisim In order to solve the issue, we need to confirm where is the issue firstly. Thanks! What we can confirm is that we have test the module hardware and software before you get it, and the module is normally. Now what we need to confirm your test method, your hardware design…Thanks!
Whe have the same problem too. EC25-E does not recognize SIM cards. We welded card holder to the board, but it does not work:
minicom *********
I am using EC20CEHCR06A03M1G on sixfab rasberry 3g/4g Hat, and I am unable to detect sim, even after trying several time. Please help me get the exact issue with the board. I have at+cfun=1, I tried at+qsimdet=1,0
+COPS: 0
and much more than that, but its failing badly. I have tried with two different sims, each working fine on the mobile.
Thank you all, this thread was very helpful.
I Believe my system is suffering from the same issues.
Sim card sometimes not detected and it solved by rebooting the system (without touching it).
Can please provide More details/photos of good vs bad contacts?