Quectel-EC25-E vs EC25-EC Firmware


I cant find anything about this online;

Is there a difference in the Quectel EC25-E and EC25-EC modems in Teltonika RUT2XX-series?
There seems to be a difference in the modem firmwares that are received, and some of the newer firmwares from Teltonika seems to have broken the ability of the modem to establish connection to the SIM providers mobile network, but onyl when on a private APN setting. (Which we need, we cannot use public APN)
We are using a private APN from Com4 in Norway (MNC 09), and are running about two houndred RUT240 units, where some of them have EC25-E and some have EC25-EC. Not a single unit with EC25-E is able to run newer router firmware with stable LTE connection. It simply is not able to connect to the operator network while private APN is set - only on public APN.
The operator has performed extensive troubleshooting but cannot find anything wrong in their systems. Teltonika is not very responsive on the matter, so I am hoping that it is fixable with a new modem firmware from Quectel.

The modem firmware of EC25-E that is failing connection is this one: EC25EFAR02A08M4G
The same for EC25-EC which is connecting just fine is this one: EC25ECGAR06A04M1G_01.004.01.004

Are these actually different modems, or are they just running different firmwares? If the latter is true, I would like to download the firmware that EC25-EC above is using, so I can try installing it on one of the RUT240 that isn’t able to connect, so maybe it can work again.

I took a look at the firmware version of EC25E. It is relatively old. I will give you a new version and upgrade it on one device first. See email.