Quectel EC200U-CNAA problem with sending json format data with more than one key value to MQTT server

Iam using Quectel EC200U-CNAA with firmware version of EC200UCNAA-N05-SGNSA. There is no issue when I am sending normal String and JSON format string with only one key value to MQTT server using AT+QMTPUBEX command. please find below commands and their responses.
AT+QMTPUBEX=0,1,1,0,“mqtt/topic1”,9,“hello Gsm”
[2024-07-24_12:32:59:433]+QMTPUBEX: 0,1,0
[2024-07-24_12:35:30:731]+QMTPUBEX: 0,1,0
But iam facing issue when iam sending JSON format string with more than one key value to MQTT server. observer below command and its response.
[2024-07-24_12:41:45:933]+QMTPUBEX: 0,1,0
Here after sending publish command > response came , i already gave data along with command as same as given above. but above i din’t get > response after sending command but when i gave more than one key value in json string > response coming. I want to avoid that > response , that’s why iam trying. Please give me any suggestion.

[quote=“Mounika, post:1, topic:36679”]

This is the firmware version EC200UCNAAR01A04M08, please give me any suggestion ASAP.

run the

= > {“Hi”:“1”,“Hello”:“1”}

Hello , Thank you for your reply. Now we are using this command only. After sending AT+QMTPUBEX command it gives > then we are sending data. But now we want to avoid > response after executing publishing command. Because of this we are trying to send data directly with command. Is this possible to send JSON format string along with AT+QMTPUBEX command?

According to the documentation, QMTPUBEX does not support non-data mode, which includes the data payload section at the end of the AT command

Thank you for your reply, yes according to documentation it is not support, but we are executing non-data mode with QMTPUBEX command. How it was working? Why it wasn’t working for JSON string with more than two key values?

If you are using AT+QMTPUBEX, you need to convert the JSON format string to HEX format before sending it

But our server need JSON string only. We are using MQTT server

so,you should use AT+QMTPUB,and You also need to follow the grammar of AT

for AT+QMTPUB also same thing happened, it also didn’t take more than one key value in JSON format string

I don’t think it’s possible

Can I fill the json data automatically in ‘>’?