Quectel EC-25 EU firmware update

Hey all,

I’m looking for an updated firmware for the EC-25EU. Right now I have two modules, one running EC25EUGAR06A05M4G and one running EC25EUGAR06A07M4G. I would really like to know what the latest firmware is and have it so I can update my modules.

I also would like to know the release notes of the different firmware versions so I know if an issue I’m seeing is related to the firmware or not.



I have sent the latest firmware to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thx

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I’ve received the latest firmware with patch notes, thank you for that. I’ve been trying to get qfirehose working, but no luck yet. I also heard there is a “QFlash” tool, but have yet to find the download for it.

The reason for all this is very strange behavior of the Quectel EC25 modules that we are using in the field. We can see the USB connection to our system resetting a lot. Sometimes after 10 minutes, sometimes after a few seconds. Is this something you see a lot?

We’ve also been testing some different configurations and have found very strage behavior. When powering the boards with 3v3, everything works well, when powering with 3v4, the module refuses to start. But according to the datasheet, 3v3 to 4v2 should work.
We’ve also tested at 3V0, and the module then still works. Is this something you’ve encoutered before?



I have sent the Qflash to your email,pls check,and I hope you can click the :yellow_heart: for me,thx

Hey Herbert,

The QFlash tool is able to update the firmware to the latest version, however, the problems still persist. When powering the chip with 3V8 (as defined in the manual) it will not connect as a modem and will not start.
When powering with 3V3 (the lowest possible according to the manual) it does work. I also have a EC25EUGA-MINIPCIE, this board powers the chip with 3V8 and still works. Is there a schematic of this MINIPCIE design that we could use to see what is different?

