Quecpython support for Azure IOT-hub on ec200u

I have seen some examples showing how to connect to an mqtt broker using the umqtt package. Connecting to Azure iot-hub would require adding the root CA certificate.
In order to do that the ssl_params should contain a key value pair of {“cadata” : }, amongst others. It looks like however this key is not supported for it generates an error: " extra keyword arguments given." Would it be possible to provide a working example of quecpython umqtt connecting to Azure iot hub, using Shared access key and the Digicert Global Root G2 certificate? Thanks.

Currently, quecpython is supporting AWS, IoT, Alibaba IoT and Tencent IoT cloud platforms. Click to get documentation for IoT Platform. Since, we are exploring and creating application on Quecpython. We didn’t got any officials documention about Arduino IoT and Azure IoT platforms.

hi, pat & Sumeri

For Arduino IoT and Azure IoT platforms., we can use the common MQTT interface to connect to the server.
Please refer to the link below for details
umqtt - MQTT Protocol - QuecPython (quectel.com)

And the following is a demo, please refer to it
mqtt_test.py (5.3 KB)

thank you. With given example and a few tweaks here and there I managed to get it to connect to the iot hub.