Quecpython EC200U-CN

I ma using this USB based EC200U board from 7semi . Buy 7Semi EC200U-CN LTE 4G Mini Modem Online | Evelta. Can we burn the quecpython firmware to it ? I wasn’t able to download firmware with QPycom . I was geting error with Bare demo dll miising error QpyCom is 3.4.1 (Latest) .
Python firmware is QPY_OCPU_EC200U_CNAA_FW

Module AT command details

Revision: EC200UCNAAR03A03M08

Firmware : EC200UCNAAR03A03M08

Is there any hot reset expected to be give ?


yes,modules can burn python firmware.Did you unzip the firmware? You need to select the pac file to download

Yes I am using .pac firmware. Please find my snapshots

Sorry, I can’t see your snapshots.

Did you follow this step and the download failed?
QuecPython (quectel.com)